hi...my name is jessica. I'm from the philippines. I really think your photos are great. keep it up. by the way I also have a blog at www.godaddict.blogspot.com so if you want to visit it then go. I also want to be your friend. can I? don't forget.you are good. keep taking photos!!!you can also give me advice on how to capture good photos because I also enjoy looking at photos especially photos wherein unforgettable moments are captured. please visit my blog.
Intreg continutul acestui blog este protejat de Legea Drepturilor de Autor.
Imaginile si informatiile continute sunt proprietatea Sorin Petculescu (sypfoto). Informatiile si imaginile de pe acest blog pot fi citate pe alte bloguri sau site-uri, cu precizarea sursei sau link catre pagina de unde provin, dar nu pot fi preluate de mass-media fara un consimtamant scris.
salve. daca te tenteaza un LE, lasa-mi un comment. toate cele bune.
multam !
Da, intradevar, Slanic - Prahova
hi...my name is jessica. I'm from the philippines. I really think your photos are great. keep it up. by the way I also have a blog at www.godaddict.blogspot.com so if you want to visit it then go. I also want to be your friend. can I? don't forget.you are good. keep taking photos!!!you can also give me advice on how to capture good photos because I also enjoy looking at photos especially photos wherein unforgettable moments are captured. please visit my blog.
Nu-i salina din Slanic Prahova?
Ba da, Salina Slanic Prahova !
Nu cred ca am vazut poze mai reusite facute acolo.
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